The AWC Founders


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COVID Wedding Guidance Update – June

Covid 19

17 June 2021

An important update for those whose weddings will be taking place before the 19th July.

As you may have seen, the Prime Minister announced that the step 4 easing of the restrictions will be delayed until the 19th July instead of the 21st June as originally planned.

Although the restriction will still be in place, the PM did mention that the restriction of number of guests at a wedding would be removed and the number of guests now allowed to attend a wedding will be based on the number of people that can safely be accommodated in the venue while socially distancing.

The UK Weddings Taskforce went through what this means and gave us an update on the latest conversations they’ve been having with Government officials. You can see it on their IG feed here.

In the meantime, here are the bullet points:

  • If getting married in a COVID-secure venue, the venue manager will need to tell you the maximum number of people who will be able to attend your event.
  • For events taking place in other venues (e.g. private gardens), organisers will need to ensure the space is as safe as possible.
  • If you’re having a marquee in your garden, you must have 50% of the walls removed to be classed as outdoors.
  • If you plan on having more than 30 people in an “other venue” or garden, you must conduct a COVID-19 risk assessment to determine how many attendees will be able to attend.
  • Events are not allowed inside private homes unless you’re having an “urgent marriage” or you have a maximum of 6 people or 2 households.
  • Instead of people being required to stay 2 metres away from each other, people are encouraged to exercise caution and consider the guidance on the risks.
  • Face coverings are still required to be worn inside by guests apart from when eating or drinking (unless exempt).
  • Dancing is advised against – dance floors are not allowed.
  • Food and drink must be served and consumed while seated at a table

The full guidelines can be found here:…/coronavirus-covid-19-wedding-and…

The AWC Founders


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